Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Enough is enough...

Countdown:  40 days!
What do supplemental health insurance, a new water pump, a new washer and dryer and a new garage door spring have in common?  They are all unexpected financial set backs.  It appears that Satan has heard the news of our mission call and is working overtime to discourage us.  We now know that Satan's work to slow missionary efforts is not just manifest in tempting us as individuals to break God's commandments.  He also tries to guide us to depend upon the thoughts and ways of man.  When we are preparing to do the Lord's work we should expect temptation and deception to intensify...but seriously enough already!
Who knew that Kaiser wouldn't be enough?
Supplemental Insurance, here we come!
A recently fixed truck
Our new washer and dryer
...and a working garage door
 On a brighter note we have family and friends that continue to support us and cute sea shell towels and new measuring cups and spoons to help make our apartment in Orlando feel more like home.

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